CD Review: Oranssi Pazuzu – “Muukalainen puhuu”

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CD Review

This review was originally written by Jose Bernardo for between 2008 and 2010.

These were Jose’s first impressions of the songs and were not written after multiple spins.

Artist : Oranssi Pazuzu
Album : Muukalainen Puhuu (2009 Violent Journey)
Tracks : 8

Artist website :


This is the debut album of Finnish atmospheric black metal band Oranssi Pazuzu. I didn’t really know what to make of that description of the band until I started to listen. It was totally unlike what I had expected, with the exception of the cookie-monsteresque vocals.

I found the vocal department to be lacking. A lot. I felt as if I was listening to the growling attempts of a pre-pubescent boy. Maybe these boys need to find their cajones or get a member who can actually do the vocals justice.

This stuff was also way too ambient and not metal enough. It didn’t get heavy enough for my liking and what I was expecting.

Not a great first impression. I really hope that as the band matures that their sound will evolve in the right direction.


Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Teatterin Rukoilijasirkka, Dub Kuolleen Porton Muistoille


Track 1 – Korppi
So, this is what atmospheric black metal sounds like. The vocals are just not deep enough. Super repetitive. Not a great opening track as it left a very weak first impression on me. 

Track 2 – Danjon Nolla
More of what track 1 offered up. Now less impressed. 

Track 3 – Kangastus 1968
Super mellow track. Almost avant-garde actually. It has a somewhat lively middle section. I really did not like this track at all.

Track 4 – Suuri Pää Taivaasta
The title means “The Big Head From The Sky/Heaven” This more of the same in terms of mellowness. However, it should also be noted that this track is a bit heavier than the others thus far.

Track 5 – Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Teatterin Rukoilijasirkka
Here we go! Blast beats! Not enough bass in the guitars. They’re super trebly. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

Track 6 – Dub Kuolleen Porton Muistoille
Cool track. 

Track 7 – Muukalainen Puhuu 
This is the title track which translates to “The Foreigner Is Speaking”. It is a three minute and forty-two second long ambient soundscape. No vocals. I won’t call it instrumental as it isn’t in any specific key. Just a bunch of ambient sounds.

Track 8 – Kerettiläinen Vuohi
I couldn’t get into this track.  


A huge thanks to the folks over at Violent Journey for sending in this album! 

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Posted in CD Reviews, The Weekly Riff (2008-2010) Reprinted.