Journal: The Hearing Aid Experiment – Part 2

half deaf guitarist

So, after a little over a week, I have gotten used to wearing the hearing aid. It has helped me hear certain things and frequencies better.

It has also served to annoy me, since I can now hear high frequencies while wearing it. I can hear paper rustling from across a room. I can hear running tap water in “high definition”. Basically anything emitting high frequencies annoys me to no end.

Strong wind over the hearing aid microphones bugs me. They’re very sensitive to wind. The microphones also clip really easily. I can’t listen to any metal in the car at volumes appropriate for head banging.

However, there are also positive things that I must admit. I am hearing things in music that normally escape me like: triangles, shakers, hi-hats. This makes me happy.

I forgot to wear the device on Sunday when I went out and I noticed a difference after having worn it for the previous 5 days. It grew on me faster than I expected. This has been a good change.

Now I gotta figure out how to get one with bluetooth so I can pair it with my phone. That would totally rock my world!

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